Core Concepts of Utilitarianism

Utilitarianism, a outcome-based theory of ethics created by philosophers Jeremy Bentham and Mill, posits that the optimal action is the one that increases overall happiness or joy. Central to this ethical theory is the "Principle of Greatest Happiness," which maintains that actions are ethically correct if they promote pleasure and unjustified if t

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Core Principles of Stoicism

Stoic philosophy, an ancient Greek ideology established in the early 3rd century BC by Zeno, promotes the development of self-discipline and resilience as a means to conquer harmful emotions. The philosophy claims that goodness, the highest good, is based on wisdom and that the enlightened live in harmony with the divine Logos that rules the cosmos

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Fundamentals of Existentialism

Existentialism, a ideology that developed in the 19th and 20th centuries, emphasizes personal freedom, free will, and personal experience. Central to this ideology is the belief that being precedes essence, meaning that people create their own significance and goals through their choices. Existentialist thinkers like Jean-Paul Sartre and Friedrich

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Learning about philosophy tips at this time

Many people decide to study philosophy because of its numerous real life purposes.There are numerous ways in which an individual can improve upon their critical thinking skills. One of the ways in which an individual can do this is through learning philosophy. In simple terms, the definition of philosophy is actually the work of learning fundamenta

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